
ASB is a no go for me

I got an email today from United Way regarding the Alternative Spring Break program I applied for. They did a great job of building me up in the introduction to make me believe I was in.. only to conclude with the "we regret to inform you" line about four sentences in. Tricky folks. Unfortunately for me, I really wanted to participate in that program. I was looking forward to doing something for others while exploring the culture of the Gulf Coast. Plus, I was looking forward to spending the break with B. Oh well. Buloxi, Mississippi will have to wait until another spring break.

But the news may not be all bad, right? Now, our agenda is cleared up to take on anything that March 27 through April 5 has to offer. What do New Yorkers usually do for their spring breaks? Wait, let me rephrase that... what do "college budget" New Yorkers do for spring break? Is that an oxymoron? Can a New Yorker do vacations on a college budget? I think not.

But, I've been brainstorming anyways! Here's what I've come up with so far (mind you, I literally just found out we're not going to Buloxi, so these are just vague ideas):

Las Vegas: Luckily for us, we have a place to stay for free in the city of sin, so that would be great on our wallets. Unluckily for us, there isn't a whole lot to do in Vegas that doesn't involve being 21 or spending a bunch of money.... neither of which we have. Then again, Vegas has a lot more to offer than just the casinos right? There's sun, pools, the Hoover Dam, desert, umm... desert,...more desert? Am I delusional? Canada: I've always wanted to visit our neighbors to the north, and its within easy driving distance from the city. Plus, I've always thought it odd that I have traveled from AK to the states a zillion times in my life and I have never ever been to Canada! I'm not sure what we would do or where we would go but.. why not? Although, I'm not sure how 'springy' I will feel if we are spending our week in the cold. Montauk: Our friends brought up the idea last weekend and it sounds pretty enticing. Splitting the cost of a beach house that is definitely within driving distance would work for our budgets, as well. My only concern is that the weird weather Long Island has been having lately will continue. I just want sun! :) Hopefully it will be more 'springy' by the end of March.
Montana: My biffle Brittany (different biffle, different Brittany) goes to school in Billing, Montana and I would love to see her! I've been hearing about her life at her school for two years now and it would be great to get to see her for the week. Butt.. she would still have regular class, work, and training (she's a bad ass runner and physical fitness trainer) so I'm not sure how much face time I would get with her.

In other news, I also found out that my blog looks horrible on an itouch, which leads me to believe that it probably looks like crap for those of you reading it on your iPhones. Sorry, I tried! I promise it looks better on a computer screen. Also, I took a quiz in Computer Science (yes, you can laugh...I'm only taking it because it fulfills the math requirement to graduate) class and rocked it.

I worked out with CJ tonight and it was the highlight of my week thus far. Aside from the gym being a complete wreck because of the ongoing renovations, I worked up a good sweat and had some fun doing it. For some reason I thought that CJ would put on his 'game face' when it came to working out--but no. He was still Ceej, trying to look cool, chat with random people, and pretend to work out. Haha ohhh goodness. I only wish B was there to see it.

Well, I'm off to more pressing matters like laundry. Oh joy.


here's looking at you

To the five people (you know who you are) that read my bliggity blog--this one's for you! After a very long break from the blogging world, I'm back. Here's whats been going on:

1) Semester Four Rocks
Spring 2010 at Hofstra is off to a good start. I like all of my classes. I even
love some of them, imagine that. I carefully crafted my schedule to get the coolest profs, the sweetest times (no class before noon), and the most bad-ass titles.
2) I Got A New Camera
So after a lot of thinking, a little researching, and some NYC shopping, I got my new camera. I chickened out and didn't end up getting the sweet DSLR that I wanted, but I still got a great point and shoot that captures great shots. Plus, it left some money in my pocket to spend. Ka-ching!
3) I Love New York City
Thanks to my new hobby, I have spent a lot of time literally wandering around the city taking pictures of whatever NYC has to offer. I never realized just how much of the city I hadn't seen, and its such an exciting place to explore, especially in the winter. Here are a few pics of my adventures in the city this winter:

A Hofstra "Snow Day", At the Brooklyn Promenade, Visiting Princeton University

Herald Square during the "blizzard", Walking near the Brooklyn Bridge, Visiting NYU-Poly, Exploring NJ with B

4) I Miss My Family
A lot has been going on with the family lately and I'm bummed that I can't be with them. I'm looking forward to May when I get to see both of my brothers under one roof for the first time in years. Perhaps members of the fam should start their own blogs so that I can see whats going on in their lives... hmm.... just saying! ;)
5) I Can't Wait For Spring!
It seems like winter is taking its sweet time to pass, and I'm impatient. Maybe its the gloomy/rainy weather getting to me, or maybe its the fact that every store in New York is only selling floral summer dresses and flip flops, either way--spring needs to be sprung!

Well, thats all for now--catch you on the flipsiiiide