
the bucket list

So.. I've got 7 days left and there's still a whole lot left that I want to do before I run off to Montana and Alaska for the summer.

1) A day (or two or three) of biking the Greenpath in NYC. I bought three 24-hour bike rental packages for a sweet deal on Groupon the other day, so I want to use at least one of them up before I leave.

2) 16 Handles. It has to be accomplished. Anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with Fro-Yo, and 16 Handles in NYC is rumored to rival the frozen awesomeness of Mr. Yogato in DC (which is amazing).

3) Jones Beach. Enough said.

4) Roosevelt & Governors Island. I really just want to go so I can take the tram. Haha

5) New York Harbor Tour. I also bought a Groupon the other day (yes, you can laugh) for a night harbor cruise. My friend Liana makes terrible fun of me because I snatch up gift certificates and coupons like its my job, but I have a feeling she's not going to be so quick to make fun of me when we are having an amazing time biking the city and taking a harbor cruise! (Yes, I convinced her to buy them too).

6) A Walk Over the Brooklyn Bridge. I have neglected downtown Manhattan for much of this semester, so hopefully the weather will be good to me and we can stroll into Manhattan in style, over the Brooklyn Bridge (on our bikes, perhaps?!)

I feel like there are a million more things that I've been wanting to do. Haggling in Chinatown, a night out in Times Square (ohhhh memories!), a trip to the thrift shop in Centerport Suffolk County, and another trip to the High Line top the list.

Oh, and did I mention.. this all has to be accomplished during the week that I will be taking final exams and writing papers for Macroeconomics, Presidential Cooperation with Congress, American Foreign Policy, World Regional Geography, Computer Science, and Geography of Africa?


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