
he winked at me. i swear he did.

I figured I should put this up, before it gets too old to be considered cool anymore. Here's the link to the Huckabee/Mario Lopez interview on Fox News that we went to in the city on Friday.

B and I were super stoked to find out that our faces made it on show. Score! Plus, Huckabee totally winked at me. I remember leaning over to B during the taping and telling her he winked at me. She didn't seem to believe me. Or be impressed. Haha

Plus, we got some pretty good eye contact with Mr. Lopez. As Reagan (not the President, my bombshell friend) said, we were the only "young and beautifuls" in the crowd of cranky conservative grandmas so it was easy to pick us out of the crowd.

I asked my College Democrat friends not to disown me because I made an appearance on Fox News. We'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. Look at you on Fox. I am shocked and appalled. :)
